Rust SDK

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Note: Due to rust's awesome inbuilt documentation system, we won't be saying much here. Please refer to for proper documentation


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file

jsonbank = "0.1"


The JsonBank struct can be initialized with or without api keys. Api Keys are only required when you want to access protected/private documents.

Without Api Keys

Using this json file from jsonbankopen in new window

use jsonbank::{JsonBank, JsonValue};

fn main() {
    let jsb = JsonBank::new_without_config();

    // get public content
    let data: JsonValue = jsb.get_content("id_or_path").unwrap();

    println!("{:?}", data);

With Api Keys

use jsonbank::{JsonBank, InitConfig, Keys};

fn main() {
    let jsb = JsonBank::new(InitConfig {
        host: None, // use default host
        keys: Some(Keys {
            public: Some("Your public key".to_string()),
            private: Some("Your private key".to_string()),

    // authenticate the api keys (optional)
    match jsb.authenticate() {
        Ok(_) => println!("authenticated"),
        Err(err) => panic!("{:?}", err)

Content Types

3 return types are available for content methods.

  • JsonObject
  • JsonArray
  • JsonValue

They can be imported from the jsonbank crate.

use jsonbank::{JsonBank, JsonObject, JsonArray, JsonValue};


if the root of your json document is an object, you should use JsonObject type.

Using this json object file from jsonbankopen in new window

// get content as a JsonObject
let data: JsonObject = jsb.get_content("jsonbank/sdk-test/index.json").unwrap();

println!("{:?}", data);

// Assuming the content of the document has a JsonObject with a key "author"
// we can access it like this

println!("{:?}", data["author"]);

The endpoint used in the example above is sure to return a JsonObject. If it doesn't, your code will panic.


if the root of your json document is an array, you should use JsonArray type.

Using this json array file from githubopen in new window

// get content as a JsonArray
let content: JsonArray = jsb.get_github_content("jsonbankio/documentation/github-test-array.json").unwrap();

println!("{:?}", content);

// check that content matches the expected type
assert_eq!(content[0], 1);
assert_eq!(content[1], "MultiType Array");
assert_eq!(content[2].as_object().unwrap()["name"], "github-test-array.json");

The endpoint used in the example above is sure to return a JsonArray. If it doesn't, your code will panic.


if you don't know the type of the root of your json document, you should use JsonValue type. This type is a wrapper around serde_json::Value type which can be either Object, Array, String, Number, Boolean or Null.

Using the same example as above, we can use JsonValue type to get the array content.

// get content as a JsonValue
let content: JsonValue = jsb.get_github_content("jsonbankio/documentation/github-test-array.json").unwrap();

println!("{:?}", content);

// check that content matches the expected type
assert_eq!(content[0], 1);
assert_eq!(content[1], "MultiType Array");
assert_eq!(content[2].as_object().unwrap()["name"], "github-test-array.json");

Full Documentation

For more information, check out the docs.rsopen in new window page.

Last Updated:
Contributors: trapcodeio